Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Train Your Brain

Week 8 Challenge – Train Your Brain

I firmly believe that anyone can train for a marathon.

Yes, it is physically challenging.  However, the physical aspect of running is not the hardest part of running a marathon. 

The real challenge is harnessing the mental toughness required when you reach mile 18 and your legs are aching, the sun is beating down on your back, you feel a blister forming on your little toe and your bra is chafing so badly you can see blood seeping through your shirt (yes, this is my story).  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eat Your Colors!

Week 7 Challenge: Go Color Crazy

Food is medicine! 

We don’t hesitate for one second to put pills and drugs into our body in order to heal faster.  Yet we don’t take the time to put into our body the foods that actually make us healthier to begin with.  If we did, we wouldn’t need all of these pills and surgeries!

By eating with the intent of incorporating as much of the color spectrum as possible, you know you are getting all of the vital nutrients and antioxidants your body needs for peak performance.  It is typically the brightest fruits and vegetables that will give us the biggest dose of healthy, disease-fighting nutrients. Don’t get stuck in the meat and potato rut!