As cabin fever sets in, emotions will certainly be running high. One simply cannot be held accountable for their words or actions in times like these.
Fear not - here is a list of my top ten tried and true ways to make the most of being snowed in. Enjoy!
1. Pull out your favorite childhood games! Turns out I am a Connect Four Champ these days! It is extra fun to play because it is one of the only games I have found which I can actually beat my husband!
2. Finally pick up that book that has been hanging out on your nightstand for the past month. You know, the one you keep saying you are going to start reading tomorrow.
Extra points if you light a fire in your fireplace as you do it!
3. Take a candlelit bubble bath. I know, it feels weird to do this in the middle of the day. But, what else do you have to do? I promise it will make you feel extra warm and cozy!
4. It’s on everyone’s snowed in List for a reason – watch a movie on Netflix! What? Did you think I was going to have 10 completely novel ideas? I was always taught - if it ain't broke, don't fix it! I hate to break it to you, but the Television will be your best friend for the next couple of days!
5. Make snow cream! It’s a fun kitchen adventure and what else are you going to do with all that milk you ran to the grocery store to get before the snow came? Recipe here.
6. Pull on your brave person pants! Bundle up and go out and play in it! Be a kid again – make snow angels, have a snowball fight, build an igloo or go sledding! Then come in and have some hot chocolate by the fireplace.
7. I don’t know about you, but winter storms bring out the nester in me! Go have fun in your kitchen. Raid your pantry and make all of those old boxes of cornbread and blueberry muffins that have been sitting around forever. Get a big pot of chili or chicken noodle soup going in the slow cooker. Not to mention, this ensures you will have some food to eat should the power go out!
8. Work on a puzzle. Nothing can take up a couple of hours like a good puzzle – and hey, you can even talk with family members while doing it!
9. If all else fails, pull out the alcohol! After all, a glass of wine can make anything bearable.
Whichever path you choose, I wish you the best of luck as you face the snowpocalypse of 2016. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Stay Warm,
Crissy Fishbane
Thanks for the great ideas! Alway good to have ways to your sanity when you're snowed in!