Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Truth About Running in a Race – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Ah, race season!  Nothing quite compares to the euphoric feeling you get when crossing that finish line, particularly when you’ve been training for months. 

Running in races, from 5ks and mud runs to marathons and triathlons, provides huge health benefits and an incredible feeling of accomplishment when finished.  

Many races provide an opportunity to raise money for charities and organizations you believe in while also allowing you to get involved in your community and meet new people.  

You can find a ton of local races at Eventbrite and RunningintheUSA.

Eventbrite even allows you or your organization to create your own events and sell tickets. What a great way to get involved in your community and take your love of racing to a whole new level!  I’ve often thought it would be an exciting challenge to plan a running event and donate the proceeds to a local cause. 

Of course, anyone who’s participated in a race knows it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.  Here I share the good, the bad and the ugly of racing.  

I always like to end on a positive note so let’s go ahead and get the bad and ugly out of the way.

The Bad

There is no way around it; training for any running event is difficult.  It requires dedication to get out there and hit the pavement day after day as you prepare for your big event.  If we're all truly honest here, some days you simply won't feel like going on that training run.

Running in a race is difficult especially those that cover longer distances.  Running a full marathon is a true mental battle, particularly at mile 18.  That is always when I hit the infamous brick wall and my body screams at me to stop torturing it.

I can literally hear my legs sending messages to my brain, “Take a seat on that curb there, guzzle down that mini cup of water those nice volunteers are thrusting in your face and don’t you dare move for at least 24 hours.”

It is true test of mental fortitude to continue pumping those arms and keep your legs plodding along. I can’t think of a single race in which I didn’t at some point find myself thinking, “Why on earth did I do this… again?” 

Of course there are countless reasons throngs of people continue to run in races, but when your body is aching and sore it’s often difficult to keep those cheerier “Wow, this is so good for me and I am such a badass” thoughts in mind.

Another struggle I always find myself dealing with is nerves.  I know the nervous, jittery, butterflies in the stomach feeling actually helps get the body ready and pumped for a race, but I still hate the constant feeling of nervous tension which often begins as early as the night before an event. 

Yet, those nerves quickly disappear once you get started and quickly morph into a sheer adrenaline rush!

The Ugly

Now let’s talk about some of the things during a race that aren’t just bad, they’re plain ugly. 

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the bloody nipples I got from my sports bra chaffing during my first marathon (this was when I was a newbie and before I knew about the glorious benefits of Body Glide). 

I must also mention the blisters that will most certainly develop during any endurance event, no matter how many preventative measures you take.  That pinky toe blister will leave you limping across the finish line and for the entire week after, but hey you still made it!

Oh, and that mud run?  You will most certainly be cleaning the mud from places the sun don't shine for days!

Then there are the times you get peed on. 

Yes, this actually happened to me. 

I was in high school and was running in our Cross Country State Championships.  The girl in front of me must have had a serious case of nerves (see above in “the Bad”) and must’ve missed the opportunity to relieve herself before the gun fired. 

As soon as we left the starting line, I felt something warm hit me.  Ah, yes now that’s a wake up call. Warm urine was seeping through my very thin green jersey to cover my stomach, arms and legs.

What can you do?  You just have to keep moving, right? 

That’s exactly what she did after peeing her pants and that’s precisely what I did after having pee whip back onto my upper extremities right at the start of a 3.1 mile run. 

That’s got to give me some type of tough girl points, right? 

Side Note:  I changed shirts very quickly at the end of that race.

So, after all the bloody nipples, blisters and urine attacks, you might be wondering why on earth a person would even want to run in a race.

Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?

The Good

You can’t deny the health benefits of training for a race.  I know that I am never as dedicated to my workouts as I am when I have an event coming up.  It keeps you accountable and makes you push harder because you know you have a deadline looming.  That dedication ultimately helps you progress toward your larger health goals.

Training for a race is also a great way to meet new people.  The Internet is full of training groups and many races will offer their own. Participating in one of these groups gets you moving and interacting with new people whom you have an immediate connection with. Double win!

My first marathon was the Inaugural Blue Ridge Mountain Marathon in Virginia, which would later be ranked as America’s Toughest Road Marathon (of course that would be the first marathon I would pick).  Needless to say, this marathon included running up and down several mountains. 

Many think that running up a mountain sounds awful.  Well let me tell you it’s actually the running down the mountain that is far worse. 

I trained for this marathon in the relatively flat landscape of Raleigh, NC.  I of course incorporated hills into my training but nothing could’ve prepared me for the run down that first mountain. 

I remember coming up the crest of that first mountain, feeling winded, but strong.  Halfway down the mountain my tune changed.  Each step jarred my knees and though I knew my pace was great as I was using the momentum gained from sheer gravity, I was already feeling a great deal of pain. 

The grimace on my face was apparent and the grunts I emitted were verbal cues for all of my fellow marathoners.  They all gave words of encouragement and friendly smiles, but one grey haired Herculean woman stepped up and came to my rescue. 

She was wearing a purple tank top that showed off her tanned rippling biceps and I immediately thought of her as my knight in shining armor.  She made a grab for my arm and said I needed to run in zigzags down the mountain.  The Herculean Bicep Woman showed me what she meant and we ran down the remainder of that mountain weaving back and forth, exchanging smiles and supportive grunts. 

She didn’t just save my knees on that first ever marathon, she showed me that in races, you are never alone.  You are a part of a community of people that support you.  It truly doesn’t matter if you are the fastest or slowest person on that course.  It’s the fact that you are out there running that makes you worthy. 

You are a part of this community because you are trying.

There are other "good" aspects of participating in these events aside from fellow runners. The feeling you get when you run through one of the clusters of spectators and they start cheering for you is indescribable.  It’s even better if you have your name written on your race bib, shirt or somewhere else on your body.  When someone hollers and cheers for you by name you get another very unique adrenaline rush.

Of course, you can’t forget the feeling of crossing that finish line or the feeling of complete and utter relief when you finally sit for the first time after finishing the race.  The volunteers at these events are a constant reminder of how supportive and friendly people can be. 

Finally, how can you forget the after-party that typically accompanies these events?  That cold crisp beer is greatly deserved and those carbs are a life saver!

Though participating in a race has its share of “bad and ugly” the “good” far outweighs any negatives.

So what race are you going to sign up for next?

Better yet, what type of racing event will you create for your local community?  Share in the comments so we can follow along on your journey too!


P.S.  Are you ready to take a plunge and start living a healthier life?  Healthy living doesn't have to be hard or complicated.  Snag your free guide detailing 10 Simple Hacks you can implement today to begin living a healthier life!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Train Your Brain

Week 8 Challenge – Train Your Brain

I firmly believe that anyone can train for a marathon.

Yes, it is physically challenging.  However, the physical aspect of running is not the hardest part of running a marathon. 

The real challenge is harnessing the mental toughness required when you reach mile 18 and your legs are aching, the sun is beating down on your back, you feel a blister forming on your little toe and your bra is chafing so badly you can see blood seeping through your shirt (yes, this is my story).  

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Eat Your Colors!

Week 7 Challenge: Go Color Crazy

Food is medicine! 

We don’t hesitate for one second to put pills and drugs into our body in order to heal faster.  Yet we don’t take the time to put into our body the foods that actually make us healthier to begin with.  If we did, we wouldn’t need all of these pills and surgeries!

By eating with the intent of incorporating as much of the color spectrum as possible, you know you are getting all of the vital nutrients and antioxidants your body needs for peak performance.  It is typically the brightest fruits and vegetables that will give us the biggest dose of healthy, disease-fighting nutrients. Don’t get stuck in the meat and potato rut!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Mix Up Your Training

Week 6 Challenge: Mix up Your Training

I remember preparing for my wedding in 2010. 

I had picked out the dress from a catalog and knew it was the one I wanted before I had even tried it on.  In fact, it was the only dress I tried on once we arrived at the store.

I didn’t even consider that perhaps another dress would be better suited for my body type or that I should try a few other dresses on just for the sake of variety.

I got the dress, though it really would have been better suited for a person that was slightly taller with a longer torso.

It didn’t matter to me though!  I was going to lose several pounds, get a beautiful tan and be the most beautiful woman my fiancĂ©e had ever seen.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to Have the Best Date Day Ever

My husband and I spent an amazing "date day" together last week! 

Yes, it was for Valentine’s Day, but if you are looking for a great way to spend the day with a loved one, whether a significant other,  friend or child, here is a fresh and fun approach to enjoying the day together any time of year.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Build Fitness Breaks Into Your Day

Schedule Fitness Breaks

I know the feeling well.  You have just finished a long day of work and you are exhausted. 
You leave work and head to your car, the whole way dealing with an inner dialogue, an argument really, between your inner angel and devil. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

7 Healthy Snacks to Make Your Life Easier

Pack Healthy Snacks + My 7 Favorite Go-To Snacks

I can’t stress the importance of packing healthy snacks enough.  

My clients consistently mention snack time as the most difficult meal of the day.  Making healthy choices when you are starving and pressed for time can be a huge challenge and can make or break your health goals.

Nutrition is the most important component of maintaining good health.  Food is medicine!  The foods we put into our bodies play a pivotal role in our ability to fight off sickness, maintain good heart health, regulate mood, manage weight and sustain energy levels.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hydrate Your Body

Week 3: Hydrate

I learned the importance of proper hydration the hard way – and it actually has nothing to do with grueling workouts or tough fitness challenges. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Decide That You Can

The most important part of fulfilling your goals and dreams is simply to “decide that you can,” but oftentimes we become frozen in fear, plagued by indecision and self-doubt.  The truth is, leaps of faith are not crazy or unattainable.  In fact, the more grand your goal and dream is, the better. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Get the Right Gear

Week 2: Buy the Right Gear

I tend to take a fairly minimalist approach when it comes to running, training and races.  Part of what I love about running is that you don’t need any special equipment.  Anyone can do it, anywhere at any time.  There is no room for the excuses – "I don’t have the space, or the equipment or the knowledge."  Running is the great equalizer when it comes to working out.  We can all do it.  We can all improve.  We can all experience the elusive runners high and feel great after a challenging run.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

10 Ways to Get off Facebook and Enjoy Being Snowed in

Snowmageddon 2016 has arrived!  At some point during the next 48 hours I will likely look at my husband and dog and want to pull my hair out.

As cabin fever sets in, emotions will certainly be running high.  One simply cannot be held accountable for their words or actions in times like these.

Fear not - here is a list of my top ten tried and true ways to make the most of being snowed in.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Find a Fitness Buddy or Group

Week 1 Challenge - Find a Fitness Buddy or Group

I am enamored with the challenge for week 1 of the Gildan Esprit de She Be Your Potential Challenge!  

It is often hard to find the motivation to stick to your health and fitness goals.  Life gets in the way.  Stressful demands are piled at your door and all of a sudden working out and cooking healthy meals are no longer your top priority.  Being healthy takes a back seat.

How To Make a Delicious Green Smoothie

It’s official! I know, I know – I am weird.  But, I can’t help it, I love green smoothies!  After talking to countless friends who say they can’t stand them, I have been feeling a bit like the odd one out. 

Why I love Green Smoothies
They are simple, easy to make and offer an excellent opportunity to get in those all-important greens.  According to Best Health Mag, leafy greens can help keep you young, lower cholesterol, protect your vision, provide energy, support bone health and prevent cancer.  This is only the tip of the iceberg.  Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and antioxidants making them the most important thing we should consistently put into our body.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

2016 Esprit de She Ambassador

I am honored to have been selected to be one of the 2016 Esprit de She Ambassadors.  I have the distinct pleasure of working with an amazing group of inspirational women and I am in love with the the wonderful message we have to spread this year.  The chosen theme of the Esprit de She race series for 2016 is #BeYourPotential.  I love the message this sends!  I look forward to spending 2016 discovering my own potential and hopefully along the way helping other fabulous women recognize and develop their own potential.

What does #BeYourPotential mean to you?

Monday, January 18, 2016

My Favorite Green Smoothie Recipe

My Favorite Green Smoothie

I love green smoothies!  They have so many amazing health benefits and can really taste good!

Read more about my secret ingredient to always making a delicious green smoothie.

Here is my favorite green smoothie recipe.  I almost always have all of the ingredients on hand and it always tastes amazing!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Kindness Challenge - A Review

I have to say, all in all, I think the December Kindness Challenge was a great success.  Committing Kind Acts are a lot like watching a snowball roll down a hill.  You pack the snow nice and tight, until the fluffy white matter makes a nice compact ball, then you release!  The ball continues to get bigger and pick up momentum, as if it has a mind of its own.  I felt this same energy building with each random act of kindness I completed during the month of December.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Gratitude in 2016

Firstly, I hope everyone had an amazing New Year's Eve!  Whether you enjoyed it from the comfort of your home or went to a raging party, you have officially made it to 2016!  

I hope you don't have too bad of a hangover!

Every year around this time, people become focused on their New Year's Resolutions.  This makes sense.  There are important aspects of everyone's life that, at some level, they would like to improve.