Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Why Petting Your Pup Should Be a Daily Habit

A daily snuggle session with your pet will not only make you feel great, it may even save your life.

After researching the best stress management practices for the past several years I have amassed a list of pretty amazing tricks and techniques.  

However, none bring me as much happiness as simply petting Jax. 

I love my dog!  Jax is a 10-year-old American Pit Bull that has retained the demeanor of a young puppy.  He loves playing Frisbee, chasing squirrels like their is no tomorrow (which, to my horror, has led him to bound off my second story deck) and will leap up to greet you with warm slobbery kisses.  

His boundless energy never ceases to amaze and delight me and at times drive me crazy!

Numerous studies over the years have highlighted the vast health benefits humans can gain from simply snuggling up to our favorite furry creature, especially dogs.

According to Jane Weaver of NBC News, just hanging out with dogs can:
  • help lower blood pressure, 
  • ease the loneliness of the elderly in nursing homes,
  • help children overcome allergies.
Petting our dogs have been found to:
  • help people cope with depression and certain stress-related disorders. Preliminary results from a study show that a few minutes of stroking our pet dog prompts a release of a number of "feel good" hormones in humans, including serotonin, prolactin and oxytocin.
  • decrease levels of the primary stress hormone cortisol, the adrenal chemical responsible for regulating appetite and cravings for carbohydrates.

I am a huge fan of scientific studies and understanding research as it comes out (must be the teacher in me).  However, nothing beats personal experience to make a person a true believer.

Jax has literally hugged me through crying sessions, jumped around the kitchen over good news and napped away afternoons because we were both simply too lazy to move.  Talk about a true companion.

I love watching Jax play with my brother-in-law’s dog, Holly.  I guess that makes them dog cousins?

There is something so beautiful about watching our pets play.  Their innocence and joy provides so many fabulous life lessons. 

So, go embrace your pet.  Snuggle up next to your favorite four legged friend and play with them to your heart's content.

After all, it is good for your health!

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