Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Decide That You Can

The most important part of fulfilling your goals and dreams is simply to “decide that you can,” but oftentimes we become frozen in fear, plagued by indecision and self-doubt.  The truth is, leaps of faith are not crazy or unattainable.  In fact, the more grand your goal and dream is, the better. 

Life is full of challenges.  Some argue that these challenges are essential, allowing us to grow stronger and gain fulfillment by overcoming the obstacles life throws at us.  However, what will trip us up and keep us from moving forward is fear.  Fear has the power to paralyze, to ground us in a state of inertia and keep us from ever setting foot on the playing field.

Countless talented and skilled people with high IQ’s and college degrees are unable to move forward to reach their goals due to fear and inaction.  There are also people, who at first glance don’t appear to have the appropriate strengths or skills, but go on to reach new heights and find great success. 

How?  It’s simple really. 

They decided that they could do it and then they went out and they did.

You can be the smartest, most talented, greatest (fill in the blank here) but if you don’t decide that you can achieve your goal, you won’t be able to.  It is the decision to believe in yourself that will make all the difference in the world.  We can’t allow the fear of failure, or the fear of success for that matter, to immobilize us.

That one decision -- that one phrase, “ I Can Do This” will completely change the game. With a bit of effort and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone, your vision of the future is completely attainable.  You just have to decide that you WILL do it.

Two "crazy" brothers from Ohio believed they could create a "flying Machine.” To their neighbors, Wilbur and Orville Wright were out of their minds, in need of a straitjacket more than anything else. 

If it weren’t for these two “crazy” brothers, nobody would be able to catch a flight from New York to L.A today.

If you don’t believe that you can, who else will believe in you?  And, why should they?  You must be your own biggest cheerleader and advocate.  Momentum is a real thing and naturally occurring phenomenon.  Once you start picking up speed on your mission, it will be easier and easier to maintain. You'll travel faster and faster toward your destination. 

As they say, a journey begins with a single step.  If you take a step each day, you will eventually end up where you want to be.  

Don't expect to complete a major undertaking overnight as that is putting way too much pressure on yourself.  Enjoy each moment as if you were watching a child grow.  Pretty soon, your idea/creation/dream will be fully developed and you'll think back fondly on the days when you were immersed in your own creativity.

Will it be easy?  It might not be. But then again, most things that are worth it are not easy.  You must have the ability to see the bigger picture, to remember that on your path to accomplishing whatever goal you have set, you will undoubtedly have little mishaps along the way.  Obstacles will come that might seem insurmountable and will make you doubt the whole process.  But, if you remember the decision “I Can Do This” – those mountains will become molehills. You will find a different path or build a new bridge as you continue to strive towards the end goal, the big picture.

Anything is possible if you decide that you can do it.  The reasoning is simple, if you decide you can you won’t give up until you do.  You won’t sit around and just talk about it.  You will take action; you will take steps to make it happen.  That’s all it really comes down to: action and persistence.

Decide that you can accomplish your goals. Decide that you can make a difference.  Decide that you can fight on.  Decide that you can live the life you have always wanted.  It’s simple really; You Must Decide That You Can –and then you will!

Start now.  Make it happen.  Take your first step.  You absolutely CAN do it. 

I would love to hear your story about your journeys and adventures, past present and future.  Leave a comment and tell other readers that they can do anything they put their mind to.  Success and enthusiasm are contagious, so let's spread it!

Onward and upward my friends!  #lifetruetoyou

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